Time Management 3


Well we have entered into another year and I am quite sure that many of us have resolved to do better than we did last year. The New Year will obviously bring in new challenges. I think of the school kids starting a new grade or form. New subjects, new teachers, new everything. I believe that with all these changes taking place we must never lose sight of our purpose in life as Christians.This year I would like to begin by challenging us all to manage our time around the will and plan of God for our lives. Ephesians 5:15 - 16 says ‘‘See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise but understand what the will of the Lord is.’’Make sure that you take time to evaluate your time management. The enemy can fool us into making bad use of our time, making us less effective for the kingdom of God.That’s why it is important to put a value to our activities and tasks. To do this I suggest you begin by the following
  • Set out your goals for the week, month or year
  • Value each goal defining those which are most important
  • Prioritize your goals based on their importance (Value)
  • Schedule your week. Month or year devoting more time to tasks and activities which are most important and beneficial(valuable)
This will help you identify where you should be spending most of your time and it will also help you to see what activities will benefit you the most. So remember to be wise as you set your goals for the year put first those things which will enrich you and equip you to be a blessing for the Kingdom of God.

Till next time
God Bless

Time Management 2


Today we can take a look at a few things that interfere with good time management.

Quite often because we are busy, tired or just plain lazy we put off doing things we should be doing in favour of those activities which are less stressful and less important. The result of this is that we never get anything done and we never make any good progress in life. As a student often I would put off studying because there was always something less ‘’challenging’’ to do. Very often my report card would read ‘’He only strives for the minimum, he needs to put more effort in his studies’’

The dictionary defines procrastination as a type of avoidance behavior which is characterized by deferment of actions or tasks to a later time. In other words we put off till tomorrow what we can do today. The bible often tells us of how those who procrastinate or put off run a very big risk of losing out on what God has reserved for his children.  In Matthew 8:21 we see how a man wanted to follow Jesus but wanted to put it off because he had other things to do. He had to go and bury his father In Luke 14: 15-24 Jesus tells a parable of a great man who prepared a feast and invited some friends. How ever many deferred because they had something else to do. One said he had bought a piece of ground; another had bought five oxen etc. The conclusion is that they missed out be cause they procrastinated.

I have narrowed the causes of procrastination to 3

  • The activity is unpleasant or not enjoyable
  • The activity is overwhelming (Like studying)
Here are a few hints on how one may overcome procrastination.

  1. Know when you are procrastinating. For example when you:
    • start a high-priority task, and almost immediately going off to make a cup of tea, check your sms ;
    • Leaving an item on your To Do list for a long time or till the last minute, even though you know it's important; (studying for an exam the night before)
    • Regularly saying "Yes" to unimportant tasks that others ask you to do, and filling your time with these instead of getting on with the important tasks already on your list
  2. Remind your self of the unpleasant consequences of NOT doing something
  3. Have some one check up on you
  4. Break down huge tasks in to smaller activities
  5. Start slow and ease your way into more involving activities
  6. Reward yourself for accomplishing certain important activities
Well that’s all I have for now.

God bless

  One of the scarcest recourses on earth is time. There are only 24 hours in a day and it’s not likely that that will ever change. Because time is so scarce quite often we find ourselves running out of it and never get to do all that needs to be done. The general feeling theses days is that there are not enough hours in the day. Because we are so busy there is sometimes a tendency to neglect our time with the Lord. Our personal relationship with the Jesus Christ must not be neglected. I am reminded how in Mark 6:30 the disciples made time to share with the Lord about what they had been up to As well as Ephesians 5:15 which is an encouragement for us to be wise with our time....

Youth Alive is wishing you all the best for 2013, and another exciting year with many more events ahead!!!!!!!!!!!
Follow these young people as they preach the good news and save souls for Jesus!


Youth Alive: Evangelism in Zimbabwe 2012 from Youth Alive on Vimeo.

This clip shows what Christian youth are getting up to in their spare time... These youth, on fire for Jesus, are evangelizing out on the streets of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. They’re singing songs about Jesus, performing skits illustrating who Christ is, and sharing what God has done in their lives. After these 2 days of street evangelism, 380 people were touched by the message they heard and gave their lives to the Lord. The youth prayed with them and rejoiced with them, and they will continue to follow up and support all those who’s hearts were melted by the love of God.

This last week the 19th, we went to Roche Bois in the capital city of Mauritius.The crowds began to form as the youth from Eglise Chrétienne  with joyful faces started to share Jesus’s love through song and dance. One after the other the young people shared animatedly what Jesus has done for them, and what He can do for those listening. It was as if each story of suffering is written on the faces of the individuals in front of us The Lord led us together with brothers and sisters from church to the people.There were so many needs met in just 3 hours, 120 people in all have given their hearts to the Lord!!! 

There is such a joy in seeing souls being saved, redeemed from eternal suffering. The gospel is going forth in more ways than we can imagine, we are only simple instruments in the hands of the Lord.

"Go ye therefore into all the world and make disciples...!''


 For more info email [email protected]  

Recently we spent our Saturday afternoon on the streets of ‘Montagne Blanche’ a small area near Flaq in the North East of the island. About 100 youth and members of the church gathered to sing songs, perform skits, give our testimonies, preach the gospel and share the love of the Lord with many of the local people who had gathered around us. We had an amazing time and witnessed the Lord using us to bring hope and encouragement to this little town. We could feel the openness of the people and their hunger to know more about God’s Word. We had opportunities to pray with individuals who expressed a desire to ask Jesus to come into their hearts. One of the youth commented that “It was as though the people of Montagne Blanche where just waiting for us to arrive.” We made contact with 68 people and it was evident to all that God has a very special plan for this area. 

Following the evangelism we went to do follow up visits during the week. The people were so happy to see us again! Due to the overwhelming reception we received during the visits, and the desire of the people for us to come back, we planned to meet in the local town hall on Thursday evening, where 50 people gave their lives to the Lord and made a decision to follow Him. We thank the Lord for what He has started in this area, and trust He has much greater things in store!
This lead to an inauguration of new church there where brothers and sisters can join in the presence of the Lord.Glory to God